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The Door to Hell: A 51-Year Burning Crater in Turkmenistan

For over 51 years now, The Door To Hell has been burning continuously in Turkmenistan's Karakum Desert due to a miscalculation by Soviet geologists back in 1971. This incredible natural phenomenon has become an international tourist attraction due to its unique appearance - drawing visitors from all around the world!

A photograph showing The Door To Hell in Turkmenistan surrounded by sand dunes and desert landscape.

A photograph showing The Door To Hell in Turkmenistan surrounded by sand dunes and desert landscape.

In 1971, Soviet geologists working in the Karakum Desert of Turkmenistan set a crater on fire to prevent the spread of methane gas. They expected it would burn for a few days, but the hole has since been burning for over 51 years and is now known as The Door to Hell. The Door to Hell is located near Derweze village and is approximately 230 feet wide and 65 feet deep. It has become an international tourist attraction due to its unique appearance, with visitors flocking from all over the world to witness this natural phenomenon. The crater was created when a group of Soviet geologists were drilling for oil in 1971. When they discovered that their drill had punctured an underground cavern filled with methane gas, they decided to set it on fire in order to prevent the spread of toxic fumes. However, instead of burning out after a few days as expected, the flames have continued burning ever since - giving rise to its nickname ‘The Door To Hell’. Despite its eerie appearance, scientists believe that The Door To Hell will eventually burn itself out due to lack of fuel or air supply - although this could take many more years yet! Until then however, visitors can continue enjoying this incredible natural wonder for many years into the future.