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Confronting the Trumpista

This poem tells the story of a brave black reporter who stands up against an insulting Trumpista after covering the ex-president's arrest. Despite facing adversity, he remains courageous and speaks out against injustice inspiring many others along the way!

A black silhouette of a person standing up to an angry figure with their arms crossed in front of them. The background is red with sparks flying around them representing strength and determination despite opposition.

A black silhouette of a person standing up to an angry figure with their arms crossed in front of them. The background is red with sparks flying around them representing strength and determination despite opposition.

A Botou no lugar, a reporter negro stood tall, Ready to confront the Trumpista and not let him crawl. He was insulted by him while covering the ex-president's arrest, But he wouldn't be silenced, he had done his best. The reporter spoke out against the Trumpista's lies, And didn't back down when faced with his cries. He remained brave and courageous in the face of adversity, No matter how hard it became for him to see. The reporter held his ground and spoke with poise, Not letting himself be taken advantage of by any other boys. His words were strong and full of power, Never backing down from that very hour. Though there was a lot at stake for this man of color, He still chose to take a stand like no other. This Botou no lugar moment will go down in history; The reporter's courage will never cease to be seen. He made sure justice was served on that day; And inspired many others along the way!