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Economic Crisis Deepens as Everything is Bust

The economic outlook for many industries across America is bleak as banks, commercial real estate firms, blue states and even insurance companies feel the pinch from this pandemic-induced recession. Experts warn that if nothing changes soon then we could be looking at an unprecedented economic crisis unlike anything seen before in modern times.

A photo depicting a person standing alone amidst piles of money scattered around them as they look despondently into the distance

A photo depicting a person standing alone amidst piles of money scattered around them as they look despondently into the distance

The economic outlook for the nation is grim, with banks, commercial real estate, blue states and even insurance companies feeling the pinch. It's a situation that experts say could result in a historic level of printing to try and combat the crisis - but with an equally historic desire to exit the printing when it comes time to pay up. The situation has been brewing for some time now, with experts noting that certain sectors have been particularly hard hit. Banks are facing massive losses due to loan defaults, while commercial real estate has been suffering from low occupancy rates and declining rents. Blue states are also struggling due to their reliance on taxes from individuals and businesses - both of which have taken hits during this pandemic-induced recession. Now, it appears that insurance companies may be joining the list of those affected by this economic downturn. With more people out of work or working reduced hours due to Covid-19 restrictions, fewer people are able to pay their premiums - leading insurers to take a hit on their bottom line. Experts warn that this situation could lead to a massive amount of printing in order to prop up these industries - but they also caution that such measures can only go so far before they become unsustainable. In other words, once the economy starts recovering there will be an equally large desire among governments and businesses alike to exit the printing before things get too out of hand. The future remains uncertain at best for many industries right now - but one thing is certain: if nothing changes soon then we could be looking at an unprecedented economic crisis unlike anything seen before in modern times.