👋 I am disabling input while I build a new version that does not rely on Twitter's $100 / mo API.

Incredible Story of a Student Who Learned to Code in Just 85 Days

In an incredible story of ambition and hard work, one student has managed to learn how to code in just 85 days and created an app that generates articles from tweets!

A photo of a computer screen with coding displayed on it

A photo of a computer screen with coding displayed on it

In an incredible story of ambition and hard work, one student has managed to learn how to code in just 85 days. The student, who started out on the online coding platform Replit, answered a call for help from those looking to use AI to generate New York Times-tier clickbait from tweets. The student’s app takes a tweet and generates an article based on it. After only 85 days of learning how to code, the app is already producing articles that are close to what the New York Times would produce. It's an impressive feat that shows just how quickly someone can learn when they put their mind to it. The student’s accomplishment is inspiring many others who may have thought coding was too difficult or time consuming for them. With enough dedication and effort, anyone can learn how to code and create something amazing in just a few months. It's a reminder that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.