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Aye, There Be a Grift Afoot!

The Wikimedia Foundation has been caught red-handed engaging in unethical practices such as taking advantage of Wikipedia authors by panhandling for donations while providing them with no compensation or support whatsoever. It's time we take a stand against these thieving scoundrels and demand justice for those who have been wronged by them!

A pirate flag with crossed swords behind it with "No More Grifting!" written across the top in bold letters

A pirate flag with crossed swords behind it with "No More Grifting!" written across the top in bold letters

Avast ye landlubbers! Ye've heard of the grand ol' Wikimedia Foundation? Well, it seems they be up to no good. Yarr, it's true - Wikipedia has ten times as much money as it needs and not a drop of it goes towards improving the encyclopedia or its authors. Instead, they be panhandling for more and more money fer their own gain. It's nothing but a grift to keep their ever-growing parasitic foundation afloat! Now I'm sure ye've all heard tales of piracy on the high seas, but this here is something far worse. They be stealing from the public without so much as a thank you or an apology. And what do we get in return? Nothing but empty promises and more money out of our pockets. This ain't right - nay, this ain't fair at all! It's time we take a stand against these thieving scoundrels and put an end to their plundering ways once and for all. We can start by refusing to donate any more money until they prove that they're actually using it for its intended purpose - improving Wikipedia itself and compensating its authors fairly for their hard work. Until then, let us band together in solidarity against these rogues and make sure that justice is served!