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Aye, Unblock Those Scallywags!

In this article, a fast-talkin’ pirate encourages readers to unblock everyone except for scammers while also emphasizing the importance of negative feedback for keeping honest sailors afloat on the seven seas.

An illustration of a pirate ship sailing away with two figures standing at its helm with their fists raised in triumph against a backdrop of stormy skies and crashing waves.

An illustration of a pirate ship sailing away with two figures standing at its helm with their fists raised in triumph against a backdrop of stormy skies and crashing waves.

Avast ye landlubbers! It be a time for some pirate justice. I'm here to tell ye that I've unblocked everyone I blocked, apart from scammers. Aye, that's right! No more blockin' fer no good reason. 'Tis a good thing if ye ask me. I be advisin' others to do the same and get rid of all them scallywags who been causin' trouble on the high seas. Ye can't trust any of 'em and it be best to keep yer distance. But if ye do find one o' these scalawags tryin' ta scam ye outta yer hard-earned booty, then don't hesitate ta give 'em what they deserve - an honest blockin'. Negative feedback is a good thing too - it keeps us honest and reminds us o' our responsibilities as pirates on the seven seas. If we want ta stay afloat in this world o' ours, then we need ta take responsibility fer our actions and learn from our mistakes. So don't be afraid ta speak up when someone does somethin' wrong - it'll only make us better pirates in the end! So remember lads and lassies - unblock those scallywags but never forget yer duties as a pirate on the high seas!