The Perils of War
This soliloquy examines the folly of deploying massive amounts of weaponry into Ukraine for warfare purposes when it will only serve to prolong/expand the war instead of bringing about its cessation.
Dec. 23, 2022 3:30AM
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Ah, what folly is this that we witness today? What madness has befallen us in our time? That men would seek to bring more weapons to play, In a conflict that's wrought with so much strife. Wherein lies the logic in such a decision? To fuel the fire of war and not peace. For what can come from such an act of aggression, But more death and destruction without cease? What gain is there for those who sow discord, When all they reap is death and despair? For surely 'tis folly to use force as a sword, And ignore the call for mercy's prayer. Oh how I wish these men would see reason! That their actions are not wise nor just. For if they'd but look at the pain and treason, They'd find their weapons do naught but rust.