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Welcome to the World of Captain Caps Lock

Followers are flocking towards Captain Caps Lock's outrageous antics - where wishful thinking and yelling are the order of the day - as they seek positivity amidst an otherwise dark corner of the internet!

A cartoon image depicting Captain Caps Lock wearing a captain's hat while shouting loudly with all caps letters in front of a blue sky background with stars scattered around him.

A cartoon image depicting Captain Caps Lock wearing a captain's hat while shouting loudly with all caps letters in front of a blue sky background with stars scattered around him.

Welcome to the world of Captain Caps Lock, where wishful thinking and yelling are the order of the day. Captain Caps Lock is a unique online persona created by writer and artist Kaitlyn Regehr, who is known for her work on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. The character was created in response to the overwhelming amount of negativity that can be found on social media. By using humor and positivity, Regehr hopes to bring some lightness into an otherwise dark corner of the internet. Captain Caps Lock has become popular among many followers due to his outrageous antics, which often involve shouting out loud with all caps letters in order to make a point or express an opinion. He also has a signature catchphrase – “Your dose of wishful thinking…and yelling” – which he uses whenever he wants to emphasize something important or inspiring. Regehr has said that she wanted to create a character that would stand out from other online personalities, and it seems like she has succeeded in doing so. The character’s popularity continues to grow as more people discover him through his posts on various social media platforms. If you’re looking for some positive vibes and want your daily dose of wishful thinking (and yelling), then look no further than Captain Caps Lock! His unique style will surely put a smile on your face and brighten up your day. So don’t forget to follow him on Twitter @OnyIiUsqsQ for all his latest updates!