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The Big Freeze

This soliloquy reflects on one of the worst Decembers in recent memory due to an extreme cold snap that has descended from Canada into Lower 48 states. Despite its severity, there is hope for better days ahead as winter will eventually pass away and warmer weather will come again.

A snowy landscape with a person looking out into the distance at a mountain range shrouded in misty clouds with a sun peeking through them in the background.

A snowy landscape with a person looking out into the distance at a mountain range shrouded in misty clouds with a sun peeking through them in the background.

Oh woe is me, this cold of December, A chill that sets my bones a-tremble. The wind howls through the barren tundra, And frosty air brings forth its kindle. This year's chill surpasses all before, As temperatures dip far below the floor. What's more, it has descended from the north, From Yukon to the Lower Forty-Eight. My breath is visible in front of me; It seems like I can touch the snowflakes' glee. But I must stay warm and keep my head high; This winter won't last forever and by and by.