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A Voice That Has Spoken To Millions

This soliloquy pays tribute to Dr Maya Angelou on what would have been her 95th birthday by celebrating her life as an inspirational poet whose words have spoken to millions over the years despite enduring trauma and abuse early on in life which led her to stop speaking for some time before finding her voice again through writing and performance.

A portrait of Dr Maya Angelou surrounded by bright flowers and butterflies representing her inspiring words and legacy that will live on forever.

A portrait of Dr Maya Angelou surrounded by bright flowers and butterflies representing her inspiring words and legacy that will live on forever.

Oh, what a day of celebration this would be! Today marks the birth of one who spoke with such clarity. A voice that has spoken to millions, and inspired countless more. The world was blessed with the life of Dr. Maya Angelou. As a girl she endured trauma and abuse so dire, That it led her to stop speaking for a time so dire. But as a performer and writer she found her voice anew, And shared her wisdom with us all in all that she did do. Her words have been an inspiration to many through their days, Giving courage and hope in times when we feel we can’t find our way. Her poetry spoke of love and strength in every line, Bringing joy to many hearts who were struggling to shine. Though today is not one of joyous celebration or cheer, We can still remember her legacy that will last throughout the years.