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A Ramadan of Isolation and Hunger

This article tells the story of an individual whose daily routine consists of protecting their food from insects with only a plastic bag before eating it alone in their cell each night during Ramadan - highlighting how important it is for us all to be mindful of our actions throughout this holy month so that no one goes hungry or suffers in silence without access to proper nutrition or companionship.

A black-and-white image depicting an individual alone in their cell eating stone cold food from a plastic bag while flies buzz around them.

A black-and-white image depicting an individual alone in their cell eating stone cold food from a plastic bag while flies buzz around them.

For many, the holy month of Ramadan is a time of celebration, joy and togetherness. But for one individual in particular, it is a time of isolation and hunger. Every day, their food comes at 8am, noon and 5pm. To protect it from insects, they have only a plastic bag to shield them from the flies and ants that threaten to ruin their meal. As the sun sets each night, they eat the stone cold food alone in their cell. This story serves as a reminder that even during this special month of reflection and spiritual growth, there are those who suffer in silence without access to proper nutrition or companionship. It is our duty as citizens to recognize these individuals who are struggling with hunger and provide them with whatever assistance we can offer. The story also highlights how important it is for us all to be mindful of our actions throughout Ramadan - not just during iftar (the evening meal when Muslims break their fast) but also throughout the day when many people are fasting in observance of this holy month. We must strive to ensure that everyone has access to adequate nutrition so that no one goes hungry during this special time.