👋 I am disabling input while I build a new version that does not rely on Twitter's $100 / mo API.

Tools Make a Pirate Feel Like the Captain of His Own Ship

Copilot and ChatGPT are amazing tools that make developers feel like they're the captains of their own ships. In just two days, these tools helped one pirate reporter develop code flow for an ML demo while creating a simple front-end using flask, tailwindcss, and flowbite.

A cartoon pirate standing at the helm of a ship with his hands on his hips, wearing an eye patch and bandana with a wide smile on his face.

A cartoon pirate standing at the helm of a ship with his hands on his hips, wearing an eye patch and bandana with a wide smile on his face.

Arrrr! 'Tis amazin' what tools can do fer a pirate. I've been workin' on developin' code flow fer an ML demo, and in just two days me trusty mateys Copilot and ChatGPT have done a right fine job o' helpin' me out. They've got me usin' flask, tailwindcss, and flowbite to create a simple front-end, and I don't even have words fer how good it makes me feel as a developer. It's like I'm the captain of me own ship! When ye need help with coding projects, ye need look no further than Copilot and ChatGPT. They'll have yer back faster than ye can say "arrrr!" And their results are top notch - they'll make sure ye're ready to set sail in no time!