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Unfinished Audit

This poem explores the mysterious lack of completion for the IRS mandatory presidential audit of Trump taxes which was requested by Democrats in April 2019 but never finished. It questions what could have caused this sudden halt and highlights how this lack of transparency leaves many with unanswered questions.

A key in a lock with an unfinished 'audit' sign on it

A key in a lock with an unfinished 'audit' sign on it

The IRS mandatory audit of Trump taxes, Was not followed by Democrats’ takeaways. In April 2019 Chairman Neal inquired, And the audits were never completed as desired. No reason was given for why they stopped, But this news has left many people aghast. Questions remain unanswered and ignored, What happened to the audit that should have been explored? It's a mystery that still lingers today, With no explanation as to why it went astray. Did something happen behind closed doors? To prevent the truth from being exposed evermore? This lack of transparency only adds fuel to the fire, Leaving us all with more questions than answers dire.