A Fervent Wish to Melt the Market
This soliloquy expresses an ardent desire to have control over financial markets by being able to melt them with just a few words. The speaker laments that they lack such power and must instead rely on hope that their dreams may someday come true.
Mar. 29, 2023 12:41AM
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Ah, if I had but the power to make the market melt, To send the dollar soaring up so high, And cause future interest rates to explode with a few lines of text! Alas, such wishes are too grand for me. If only I could do it in a jiffy and see, The stock exchange plummeting like a stone. My words could be powerful enough to make it happen; But alas! Such power is beyond my ken. What use is there in wishing for such things? When all I can do is watch as others reap what fortune brings. Oh, if only I could have just one wish granted today! To take control of the market and make it sway. But no matter how hard I try or how much I plead, My prayers remain unanswered and my pleas unheeded. Still, hope remains alive within my heart; For one day soon this dream may come true – And when that day arrives, who knows what wonders will ensue?