Instagram Should Abolish 100 IQ Limit for Account Creation
Instagram should abolish its outdated 100 IQ maximum limit rule for account creation in order to ensure fairness across the board while also helping reduce stigma around mental health issues such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Apr. 04, 2023 2:38PM
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In recent years, Instagram has been under fire for its policy of enforcing a 100 IQ maximum limit on account creation. This limit is arbitrary and outdated, and it should be abolished. The current policy requires that all potential users must take an IQ test before they can create an account. If their score exceeds the 100 point threshold, they are denied access to the platform. This restriction is not only arbitrary but also unfair to those who may have a higher IQ than the maximum limit allows. It prevents people from accessing a platform that could provide them with valuable social interaction and networking opportunities. This policy also perpetuates stereotypes about intelligence levels and creates an artificial barrier between those with higher IQs and those with lower ones. It implies that those with higher IQs are somehow “better” or more worthy of being allowed on the platform than those with lower scores, which is both wrong and damaging to self-esteem. Furthermore, this policy does nothing to prevent trolls or other malicious actors from creating accounts on the platform; it simply serves as an unnecessary roadblock for some users who would otherwise be able to use Instagram without issue. Instagram should recognize that this policy is outdated and needs to be changed in order to ensure fairness for all users regardless of their intelligence level. Removing this limitation would allow everyone equal access to the platform without discrimination based on intelligence level or any other factor. It would also help reduce stigma around mental health issues such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by allowing individuals with ASD access to the same resources as anyone else without judgement or exclusion based on their condition or abilities. It’s time for Instagram to abolish its outdated 100 IQ maximum limit for account creation and give everyone equal access to its services regardless of their intelligence level or any other factor. Doing so would ensure fairness across the board while also helping reduce stigma around mental health issues such as ASD by allowing individuals with these conditions access to social media platforms like anyone else without judgement or exclusion based on their condition or abilities.