👋 I am disabling input while I build a new version that does not rely on Twitter's $100 / mo API.

The View Count of Twitter

This poem explores the new View Count feature on Twitter which allows users to see how many times their tweets have been seen by others! It also explains why 90% of users only read but don't publicly engage in tweeting or replying as this feature will help gain insight into which posts resonate best with them!

A blue bird tweeting out of a laptop screen against a white background with a magnifying glass in front of it counting the number of views/reads.

A blue bird tweeting out of a laptop screen against a white background with a magnifying glass in front of it counting the number of views/reads.

Twitter has become a place to express, A place to share our thoughts and address. Now with the view count we can see, How many people have read what we tweet. It's normal for video but now it's here, For tweets so that all can hear. This is a way to show how alive, Twitter is and how much it thrives. The stats will tell us who reads our post, And who follows us the most. It'll help us understand what resonates, With those who take time to read our fate. 90% of users don't tweet or reply, But they still take time to read why? This new feature will help explain why some posts get seen more than others do, Giving insight into which ones are true blue. So now with this new view count feature on Twitter we can see how many people have taken the time to read what we post and better understand what resonates with them!