👋 I am disabling input while I build a new version that does not rely on Twitter's $100 / mo API.

AI-Generated Song a Successful Experiment

Last night, Jesse took #chatgpt4 for a spin and asked it to write a song - an experiment which had failed when GPT3 was around - but this time was successful! The result was an unexpectedly catchy tune which opened up new possibilities for AI-generated music going forward.

A person sitting at a computer typing away while listening to music coming out of speakers

A person sitting at a computer typing away while listening to music coming out of speakers

Last night, Jesse decided to take the #chatgpt4 for a spin and see if it could write a song. This experiment was done in the shadow of GPT3, which had been an utter failure in its attempt to generate music. To everyone's surprise, this time around was much different. The experiment began with Jesse feeding the chatbot lyrics from some of his favorite songs and then asking it to come up with something similar. After several minutes of inputting data into the chatbot, it came back with a surprisingly catchy tune that seemed to capture the essence of Jesse's favorite songs. The chorus was especially memorable and many people who heard it said they could easily imagine it being sung by their favorite artist. The success of this experiment has opened up new possibilities for AI-generated music. While there is still much work to be done before AI can create original compositions on its own, this experiment shows that progress is being made in that direction. With further development, AI-generated music may become commonplace in our lives sooner than we think!